A Conceptual Framework for Integration Problems and Solutions

I have been trying to find a good and pretty comprehensive way (framework) to summarize the problems and solutions in the system integration subject area. Many good articles provide some aspects to this work; but I have not found a comprehensive and detailed one. Please share with us if you know one, or find one during your future research.

I am also thinking about developing one from scratch, or at least based on some existing framework (like the three dimension model from Hasselbring et al. 2000), both for the research purpose and the teaching purpose. This will be a good exercise for the semester and let's see if we could have a satisfying framework by the end of this semester.

Even if there is an excellent one already there, the development of this framework would still be a facilitator for our learning and understanding of the subject area. Because knowledge is not obtained by being given, but rather it is an active synthesizing process for each particular person.

I will post the framework in a separate document (webpage) and update it constantly for the semester (URL to be determined). Please post your comments and share your thoughts here. Thanks!

- Wilhelm Hasselbring et al. (2000), "Information system integration", Communications of the ACM, Volume 43, Issue 6 (June 2000), Pages: 32-38

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Zheng, I did some research and if I were undertaking this task, I'd probably want to develop a robust and dynamic framework from scratch. The ones that exist are either too simple or don't really apply.

    Do you have any thoughts on what the new framework from scratch might look like? I'd like to contribute ideas if you have something rolling, otherwise I can contribute some ideas I have about what a framework should encompass.


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